Christmas Cookie & Beer Pairing

By Evil Genius Beer Company (other events)

Tuesday, December 13 2022 7:00 PM 8:00 PM EDT

It's everybody’s favorite couple - craft beer & cookies!! Wait... right?!

Join us as we explore the nuances of pairing sweet and savory discs of joy with our beers. How flavors change perceptions of what goes well together, what happens when you mix combinations you haven't considered before, and what that says about you as a person.

Pairings include: Jinglebread with Santa I Know Him, Cinnamon Bun with We Don't Deserve Dogs, Chocolate Chip M&M with Caffeinante the Process, and Double Chocolate Mint with I'll Have What She's Having! 

Also, we'll be eating cookies and drinking beer - so what else matters in life?

Mailing Address

1727 N Front Street Philadelphia PA 19122