Santa 0.5K

By Evil Genius Beer Company (other events)

Saturday, December 7 2024 2:30 PM 3:00 PM EDT

Think you're faster than Santa's Sleigh? Then test your speed at our Santa 0.5K! Yep, you read that right! A 0.5k, just once around the block. That's 0.31 miles or if you need a bigger number to brag to your friends about it's 19,685 inches, 50,000 centimeters, or 5e+8 micrometers (whatever the heck that means). 

Tickets are just $30 and all proceeds from this event will go to fulfilling a family in need's Christmas gift list. All runners will receive a genuine, elf-made Santa Hat as part of their running kit as well as a free pint at the end of the race. Note: there is no actual prize for winning so run, walk, or crawl at your own pace!

Can't join us in person but still want to donate to a great cause? Purchase a virtual ticket instead! Note: Virtual Tickets will not recieve a free beer as they will not be on site.

Mailing Address

1727 N Front Street Philadelphia PA 19122